DIME and MSU Denver are looking for talented, passionate professionals to join our faculty for the Spring 2019 semester! DIME is a music institute like no other – designed for serious musicians who desire a long-term, professional career in modern music. DIME’s programs are designed to build strong musical foundations that will lead to long and sustained careers in the music industry, alongside gaining an academic qualification.
DIME partners with Metropolitan State University of Denver to offer the following programs:
- BA in Commerical Music Performance (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocals)
- BA in Commercial Songwriting
- BA in Music Industry Studies
Music Faculty
We are seeking qualified applicants to teach classes in commercial music performance, musicology, music theory, and songwriting, and/or music industry studies. Qualified applicants will be placed in the departmental pool and will be considered for adjunct/part-time employment as needs arise. Please apply by following this link to the MSU Denver Faculty Job Pool.
Required Qualifications: Master’s degree in music, or bachelor’s degree in music plus significant local recognition as a commercial musician, commercial performer, songwriter, or music industry entrepreneur.
Preferred Qualifications: ABD or Master’s Degree in music plus significant local recognition as a commercial musician, commercial performer, songwriter, or music industry entrepreneur. College teaching experience with demonstrated effectiveness in undergraduate teaching is also preferred.
General Education Faculty
We are also looking for faculty to teach the following General Education classes:
ART 1500 – Art and Visual Literacy. Please click here to access the post in the MSU Denver Faculty Job Pool.
THE 3213 – Staging Cultures– Theatre, Drama and Multiculturalism.Please email your résumé to the MSU Denver at DIME Campus Manager, DeAnna Johnson at djohn279@msudenver.edu.
How to Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming a part of our team, we would love to meet you and give you more information about our program. Please call 313-223-1600 to talk to the MSU Denver at DIME Campus Manager, DeAnna Johnson. You can also email DeAnna at djohn279@msudenver.edu. If you would like to book a tour of our Downtown campus, please call us to set up a time!