As we get closer to the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester at DIME Detroit, we thought it would be a good idea to remind our incoming student musicians, songwriters, and entrepreneurs the important dates and deadlines associated with starting a college program. There are many benefits to completing application, audition, financial aid, and scholarships on time. We made the list below to keep you on track to a successful start to your music program and career at DIME Detroit!
Attend a Student Show or Open House
When? Offered 2-3 times per year
Of course our amazing staff can provide you with all the information about the program, but no one will do a better job describing DIME than our current students. No conversation with a staff member will come close to comparing to the feeling you'll get when you see your future classmates take the stage at the Underground to perform an original song for the first time. The atmosphere at our Student Shows and Open Houses is something you need to experience before you start the program! Our next student show is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm, learn more and RSVP here!

Audition Early for Individualized Feedback
When? As soon as possible!
We hear it all the time: "When's the last possible date I can audition?" We totally understand; You want to perfect your song choices, agonize over your scales and brush up on your sight reading before you meet with us. However, auditioning at the last possible date denies you the opportunity to receive feedback and guidance from one of our staff or faculty. We would prefer to get an earlier assessment of your playing ability and provide you with detailed feedback and areas for improvement. Often times, we invite students to come back for a second audition, giving them time to correct any mistakes and perfect their performance. Schedule your audition today by calling us at 313-223-1600, or emailing info@dime-detroit.com

Complete your Online Application
When? At least 6 months in advance
Completing the MSU Denver online application for the program takes about 10 minutes, and you can get it done right now! Once your application is processed, MSU Denver will request additional documents from you like transcripts, test scores, and, depending on academic performance, potentially a personal statement or letters of recommendation. Give yourself extra time and complete your online application for the MSU Denver at DIME program as soon as possible. You can apply now on MSU Denver's website. Use the code "makeyourmark" to waive the application fee!
Complete your FAFSA
When? Opens in October for the following Fall
Completing a FAFSA is not just about taking out loans! Having your application complete can also qualify you for grants and scholarships, some of which can be awarded based on academic performance while in school. Unfortunately, some students wait months before they fill out the FAFSA, and they lose out on opportunities and money for school. Complete a FAFSA as early as possible for the best possible outcome! Get started now at fafsa.ed.gov.
Apply for Scholarships
When? MSU Denver deadline is March 1st
The hunt for scholarships is an ongoing task that we can help you with. MSU Denver offers hundreds of scholarships for incoming and current students, but you must have a FAFSA completed, and the priority deadline for their scholarships is March 1st. DIME also offers scholarships to students who are in need, and while our deadline dates are much later, we still encourage our incoming students to apply early to maximize their award potential.
MSU Denver Scholarships
DIME Scholarships

Set up your MSU Denver Email
When? As soon as you're accepted
At the top of the list of reasons to activate your MSU Denver email address: MSU Denver's Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will only communicate with you through that account. Once you are accepted, you will receive an email to your personal email address providing you with login details. Visit www.msudenver.edu/myfirstlogin to get access to the Student Hub, Email Account, Financial Aid info, and more.
Register for Classes
When? 2-3 months before classes start
Registering for classes early means that you'll get the benefit of choosing the times that work best for your busy schedule. We know that many of our students are juggling part-time jobs, band practices, and other obligations, so your early registration for classes will help you to plan your schedule out well in advance, ensuring that you'll have a successful start to your first semester. A DIME Admissions representative will get in touch with you
Need Help?
Get in touch with us today!
We have a great staff that are ready to help you through any of the steps above!