DIME Drum Department (3D) is showing their DIME spirit this week with 7-days of events including BACKBEAT: A Night of Drums, on Wednesday!

Over the weekend, our DIME Drummers helped to pack boxes of food that will feed over 14,000 people at Gleaners Community Food Bank in Detroit.

This morning, drummers Chris Kaszuba and Dadreeon Underwood joined our Head of Drums, Eric “Rain Man” Gaston on WDIV’s Live in the D to give viewers a taste of what’s to come at BACKBEAT! Stay tuned for the video of their awesome performance!

Don’t miss BACKBEAT: A Night of Drums, presented by 3D on Wednesday night:

Make sure to stay locked in with all of our social media accounts to keep up with the events each day! INSTAGRAM: Follow @dime_detroit and @dime_drummers
FACEBOOK: /dimedetroit
TWITTER: @dime_detroit